eISSN 2582 - 0559
“An Official Journal of IDA - Madras Branch”©2019.
Available online
Dr. Sowmya Sridhar, Dr. Rayen R, Dr.V S Hariharan
Kidz n Teenz-Exclusive Paediatric Dental Centre, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
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Teeth present at the time of birth are called natal teeth.
In premature infants, tooth eruption is generally
delayed. Therefore, it is unusual and interesting
to see such an anomaly of eruption in a 31-week
old preterm infant. Through this article, we wish
to discuss the management protocol for such natal
teeth along with the need for long term monitoring
and oral health guidance.
KEYWORDS: Natal teeth, infant, premature birth
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Sowmya Sridhar., MDS.,
G3, Govardhan Apartments, 47,
Dr. Ranga Road, Mylapore,
Chennai 600004
E-mail: sowsri06@yahoo.co.in
: 9.11.2019
: 30.11.2019
: 27.12.2019
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 150 - 153/October - December 2019
Sowmya et al : Rare case of natal teeth in a preterm infant- A case report
32 weeks delivered by caesarean section, admitted
to the NICU for further management, was brought to
Congenital teeth, fetal teeth, predeciduous teeth,
our notice 1week post-parturition with the complaint
dentitia praecox. These are just a few terminologies
of inability to accept oral feeds along with loose
used to describe teeth that erupt at birth or shortly
lower front teeth. The infant was non-syndromic
thereafter. Massler et al1 named these short, conical,
and underweight (1.5 kg) with reduced feed being
often hypoplastic structures as “natal” and “neonatal”
the probable reason for the deteriorating weight. The
teeth- terms which are still in popular use. It is to be
perinatal history was seen to be normal.
noted that these terminologies only give the time of
eruption with no consideration for the anatomy and
The intra-oral examination revealed two
the histology of the tooth. The incidence of natal and
whitish opaque teeth in the mandibular anterior
neonatal teeth is relatively rare and is somewhere
region (Fig 1). Both the teeth were grade II mobile
between 1:2000 and 1:35002. The incidence of natal
with the gum being edematous and erythematous.
teeth in preterm infants, as in this case, is rare and
Based on the above finding, a diagnosis of natal teeth
interesting since there is an established association
was made with the decision to extract immediately
in literature between gestational age and time of
as there was a definite risk of aspiration. The parents
eruption3. Preterm birth or birth occurring before
were informed regarding the possible complications
37 weeks of gestation and low birthweight (less
of retaining the teeth and their consent was taken.
than 2500g) is generally associated with delayed
0.5mg Vitamin K was already
administered parenterally at birth as per the
Natal teeth or teeth present at the time of
recommendations of the American Academy of
birth are
3 times more likely to be encountered
Paediatrics(AAP)6, intramuscular injection was
than neonatal teeth or teeth erupting within 30 days
not given on the day of the extraction. Under local
from birth, with a definite female predilection4. The
anaesthesia, extraction was carried out successfully
prematurely erupted teeth may be either a part of
and the sockets were curetted carefully to remove
the deciduous dentition or may be a supernumerary,
any remnants of the dental papilla
although studies indicate that more than 90% of natal
Initial haemostasis was achieved following which
and neonatal teeth are a part of the deciduous teeth
the mother was asked to breastfeed the infant, so as
series4,5. Therefore, the decision to extract the mature
to achieve complete haemostasis due to the pressure
natal tooth should take into account local or general
on the gums, as well as to calm the baby (Fig. 3). The
complications and parental consent.
neonate tolerated the procedure well and on review
after 2 days, the healing was found to be uneventful.
The etiopathogenesis of such teeth is varied.
Clinical examination of the extracted teeth revealed
Chronic febrile states, syphilis, hypovitaminosis,
a shell-like crown with pitted hypoplastic areas and
trauma, environmental toxins like polychlorinated
devoid of root structure.
biphenyls (PCBs) are just some of the postulated
etiologies. Sometimes, it may be associated with a
syndrome like chondroectodermal dysplasia, Pierre
Robin, Down’s syndrome or in children with a cleft
lip or palate5. The superficial positioning of the tooth
germ is attributed to the premature eruption of these
teeth. Whatever the cause may be, there is definite
psychological and emotional component attached
with regard to the parents, particularly the mother, as
it may cause difficulties in feeding and is considered
an ill omen in most cultures.
Fig 1: Clinical examination
A female neonate with a gestational age of
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 150 - 153/October - December 2019
Sowmya et al : Rare case of natal teeth in a preterm infant- A case report
varying thoughts by different authors regarding
anterior space loss, the general contention is that the
teeth be retained unless markedly mobile. Chawla et
al8, in their review concluded that although there was
some amount of arch collapse following extraction
due to the shift of the neighbouring teeth into the
extraction space, this was however not permanent
Fig 2a and 2b: Extraction following administration
as the successors erupted uncrowded. In such cases,
of local anaesthetic
radiographs play an important role as an auxillary
Any one factor alone, therefore, cannot play
a role in the decision making. Once the decision to
extract is made, the procedure itself may be deferred
till the child is atleast 10 days old or has appropriate
levels of Vitamin K6. This wait period is so that the
normal intestinal flora, essential in the production of
Vitamin K and consequently prothrombin, become
Fig 3: Post extraction haemostasis achieved
established. This minimizes the risk of post-operative
haemorrhage. Post-extraction, a thorough curettage
is recommended as any remnants could lead to
the development of root structures9. There have
A significant retardation of eruption has been
been reports of reactive fibrous hyperplasias and
noted in preterm, low birth weight infants probably
pyogenic granuloma due to traumatic extraction of
because of the period of orotracheal intubation or the
natal teeth by the caregivers9,10. A regular follow up
need for prolonged mechanical ventilation which can
is therefore advisable following the procedure. The
apply pressure on the gums and hinder development3.
American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry(AAPD)
The presence of natal teeth in a neonate is therefore
recommends that all infants should be referred to
an anomalous finding of interest to clinicians.
a dental provider as early as 6 months and no later
than 12 months of age11. It is mandatory that we
The decision to extract or retain natal/neonatal
educate the parents and the medical community on
teeth is made after consideration of the following
the required treatment and the need for continued
factors: (1) degree of mobility, (2) interference while
monitoring and oral health guidance.
feeding, (3) if the teeth are supernumerary or not,
(4) ulcer in the ventral surface of the infant’s tongue
(Riga- Fede’s ulcer)7.
Natal/neonatal teeth are rare conditions in the
Teeth that are extremely mobile, as in
infant mouth that can cause significant discomfort.
this case, have to be extracted as there is a risk of
The decision to retain/extract such teeth varies from
aspiration, although, there are actually no published
case to case, and is a matter of clinical judgement and
reports of this in literature. In general, a mature natal/
parental opinion.
neonatal tooth with adequate root development, that
does not develop any mobility even 4 months post
parturition has a good prognosis. Such teeth may
be simply smoothened and left behind in the arch if
there is no interference while feeding or ulceration5,7.
Applying a layer of composite resin has also been
suggested, although the enamel in these teeth is
severely hypoplastic and unfit for bonding4. The
main cause of doubt is when the teeth are a part of
There are no conflicts of interest.
the normal dentition and future space management
issues have to be considered. Although there are
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